Studying is hard, especially in college. Whether it's all the reading assignments or having to cram for an exam next week, studying can sometimes feel like a full time job. But you can't fall behind because there are ways to improve your study habits. In this article I'll show you 10 tips of ways to improve your studying habits and get back on track.


Set goals, then break them down into manageable tasks.

Goals are important, but they often lead to bad study habits. If you have a goal of getting into medical school, your study time will be spent on the same thing. If you have a goal of getting into law school, your study time will be spent on the same thing. The problem is that if you don't break down your goal into smaller tasks, then it's very difficult to reach it.

So instead of setting a goal and hoping for the best, try setting goals and breaking them down into manageable tasks. Then set those tasks further out in the future so that they're achievable within a reasonable amount of time.

For example: "I want to get into medical school by December 2021" is too far away — it's not even possible unless you start now! So instead say "I want to read three books about medicine every week for nine months starting in September 2020."

This way you can see how much progress has been made so far and adjust as needed along the way.


Make a master schedule.

When you study, the last thing you want to do is have to scroll through your phone or computer for an hour and a half before your test. Don't let yourself fall into that trap. Instead, make a large block of time on your calendar for studying. You can set it up so that it's after work, or even in the middle of the night if you need it. Just make sure that you're not allowing yourself too many distractions during this time — no screens and no music allowed!

Join or start a study group.

There are a lot of things that can help you to study better, but the most important one is to join or start a study group.

The benefits of joining a study group include:

You will be able to ask questions and talk about the course material. The other students will help you understand the material better and become more confident in your knowledge. You will also get to meet new people who can help you with your studies and make friends.

Working together as a group, everyone will feel more involved in the whole process of learning and having fun at the same time!

The disadvantages of joining a study group include:

It could turn into a competition among members, especially if they're not used to working together!

If there aren't enough participants for your preferred place, then it's better not to join one at all.


Find your ideal study environment.

If you're serious about improving your study habits, you need to find the right environment for you.

You should be able to study in a quiet place that's free of distractions and interruptions. Try not to work on a computer, as this tends to be distracting and can lead to procrastination. If necessary, use earphones or headphones so that people around you don't hear what you're doing.

You should also avoid studying in bed because sleeping is one of the worst ways to retain information — unless you're trying to learn music theory or something similar.

Finally, try not to get distracted by other activities such as looking at social media or watching TV while trying to study.


Avoid multitasking.

Multitasking is the enemy of study. When you try to do multiple things at once, you’ll quickly get bored and frustrated. Sure, multitasking is convenient and can save time when you’re in a rush or have a million things on your plate. But it’s not worth it for your long-term success as a student.

So what should you do instead? Focus on one thing at a time and get into the habit of tackling your work with gusto. If you don’t feel like working on an assignment or classwork, don’t force yourself to do it just because everyone else seems to be doing so. Instead, give yourself permission to take breaks and do something else during those times — even if that something else is hanging out with friends or watching TV!

Take frequent breaks.

Taking frequent breaks is a good way to improve your study habits. It will help you stay alert and focused for longer periods of time.

You can take short breaks in between each set of sessions or you can take long breaks as well. However, remember to take breaks at regular intervals or else you may end up getting sleepy or even fall asleep during the session itself. Also, try not to check social media, email or any other apps on your phone while studying because this can distract your mind.

Another important tip is to keep yourself motivated by setting small goals for yourself every day. This way, you will be able to focus more on achieving them instead of just sitting idle in front of the computer screen all day long without any tasks assigned to you.


Choose the right moment to study.

While you can study anywhere, it is best to have a quiet place to concentrate. This is because your brain needs time to process information and also because a quiet environment helps you focus on the task at hand.

However, if you’re studying in an environment that distracts you, then it can be difficult for you to focus on your studies. For example, if there are loud noises or people talking nearby, then this may affect your concentration.

If this happens frequently, then it may be better for you to consider studying in another location where there aren’t as many distractions.

You can also set up a study zone where only certain people are allowed access to your study area. For example, if someone else is already in the room with you when you start studying, then they may get distracted and take over your attention away from the task at hand.

Use a timer to stay on task.

You can use a stopwatch or timer app on your phone to help you stay on track with your study time. The timer will sound when it’s time for you to take a break, and if you don’t stop, it will keep going and give you another minute or two.

One of the biggest problems people face is not knowing how long they should study for. A good rule of thumb is that every hour you spend studying should be equal to five minutes of reading. So if it takes you 20 minutes to get through a chapter, then you should study for at least 20 minutes before taking a break.


Stay organized and keep good records.

If you want to get ahead in your studies, it's important to keep a good record of what you do. This can mean something as simple as making a list of all the things you've learned in a class or taking note of what you remember from your reading. But if you want to improve your study habits, you need to make sure that everything has a place where it belongs.

Keep track of what you read and watch, along with when and where you studied. This will help ensure that you're not missing anything important. In addition, it will help with organization when it comes time for exams or test prep.

Quit while you're ahead.

There is nothing more important than taking time to appreciate the little things in life, so don't forget to enjoy the moment even though you're probably already planning your next get-together with your buddies.

I know it's easy to get caught up in the rush of life and forget to stop and smell the roses, but I promise it will make you happier.

If you really want to improve your study habits, then make sure you take some time out of each day to do something fun or relaxing. It doesn't have to be anything big — just something that makes you feel good about yourself when you look back at it.


There are a lot of factors that can influence your study habits. To do well, you need to be diligent, committed, and know how to manage your time. If you want to learn the best tips for studying effectively, try these methods from this article and make sure you're applying them to your own situations.

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