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Some Common Mistakes To Avoid After a Hair Transplant

What you do after your hair transplant is an important factor in determining how effective a lift will be. In other words, make sure that you follow your doctor's orders carefully! Here are 20 things NOT to do after a hair transplant to ensure that you get the best results possible from your procedure.

Hair Transplant

Don't apply any type of oils to the scalp

There are many things you should do and not do after a hair transplant. You should not abuse your transplanted hair and you should also avoid certain products on the market. Some of these products may enhance growth, but others can cause damage to the transplanted follicles.

Don't apply any type of oils to the scalp - aromatic oils, petroleum, baby oil, etc. These types of oils can easily get into your scalp and increase inflammation.

Don't overdo it on the medications or supplements. These may cause more harm than good and can lower your immune system further down the road.

If you have an autoimmune disease like thyroid disease, don't use any medications that suppress other hormones in your body. This could cause severe side effects such as osteoporosis or diabetes.

Do not experience too much stress during this time period - it will affect your recovery negatively!


One of the most common questions we get is about driving after a hair transplant. The answer is yes, you can drive! You should not drive if you experience any pain or discomfort when driving or if your scalp starts to hurt. If either of these things happens, then you should refrain from driving until you are no longer experiencing any pain or discomfort.

If you've had a hair transplant and are experiencing any of the following symptoms while driving:

  1. Headaches
  2. Nausea
  3. Chills
  4. Dizziness/lightheadedness

Don't consume alcohol

Drinking alcohol after a hair transplant is like drinking a cup of poison.

You just don't know what you're doing! It can cause serious damage to your body, and it's also bad for you emotionally. You'll feel depressed and anxious, which will affect your quality of life and work.

A hair transplant is a very delicate procedure that requires careful attention to detail. If you're already under the influence of alcohol, it will be hard to stay focused on what's going on during the surgery. You might even pass out because of excessive blood loss!

Hair Transplant

Sleeping Flat

Sleeping flat after a hair transplant is an important part of the recovery process. You should not sleep on your back or flat on your back for at least three weeks.

If you do, your new grafts will be more stressed and you risk permanent scarring. The best way to recover is to sleep on your side with a pillow under your head and a second pillow under your knees.

You should also avoid sleeping in a reclining chair as this can cause pressure on the newly transplanted hair follicles and may lead to them being removed by the body's immune system.

Hair Transplant

Don't use any type of aspirin or ibuprofen

If you're considering hair restoration surgery, it's probably because your hair has fallen out or is thinning. This can be a difficult situation to face, but there are remedies that may be able to help you regrow lost or thinned-out hair.

While there are countless options available for men and women who want to boost the density of their hair follicles, some of these remedies may not be appropriate for everyone. Below we've outlined some of the most common ones — as well as some things you should never do if you're going through this process:

Don't use any type of aspirin or ibuprofen for a week before and after surgery. These medications can damage your blood vessels, which could delay wound healing in your scalp and lead to scarring and other complications after surgery.

Hair Transplant

Forgetting the Ice

If you're using ice to keep your transplanted hair in place, make sure that you're using it correctly. Don't put too much pressure on the graft and don't use the same area over and over again. And be careful not to get the ice too close to your head — this can damage the transplanted hair even further.

You should also avoid exposing your new hairline to any extreme heat or cold temperatures for at least two weeks after surgery. When you do go out in public, cover up with hats and scarves so that people don't see anything unnatural about your appearance — like a bald spot or three-day growth of stubble around your forehead."

Hair Transplant

Don't touch, rub or scratch the grafts

The skin grafts have already been taken care of by the surgeon and they are not ready to be touched. You should avoid touching them and rubbing them at all times. If you do this, it can cause your grafts to fall out.

Don't Wash Your Hair for at Least Two Weeks

The incisions are still open and there is no way for water to get inside of your scalp. You should not wash your hair for at least two weeks after surgery. Doing so can cause a lot of problems with how well your new hair grows in later on down the road.

Hair Transplant

Don't wash your hair too much

The reason for this is that washing your scalp can lead to itchy, flaky skin and dandruff. In fact, if you have hair transplant surgery and are using shampoo with a strong fragrance, you may experience itching and irritation.

When it comes to washing your hair after a hair transplant, you should use a gentle shampoo. You should also avoid using conditioner on the scalp as it can dry out the follicles underneath the transplanted area. Instead, use a leave-in conditioner that contains natural oils like coconut oil or jojoba oil.

Hair Transplant

Soaking Up the Sun

One of the best things you can do to heal your skin after a hair transplant is to be in the sun. The ultraviolet rays will help speed up your body's natural healing process, and if you're lucky enough to have a beach nearby, go for it! But if not, don't worry: You don't have to go out in the sun every day or even every week. You'll still get plenty of benefits from exposure to sunlight while on vacation or at least before going back home from vacation.

Hair Transplant

Don't wait until you are losing hair to get a transplant

The truth is that most people who consider getting a hair transplant don't do it until their hair loss is extreme and unrepayable. And it's not just because of the cost — many patients can't afford the procedure either.

But if you are losing hair due to any of the following conditions, waiting could be your best option:

  1. Alopecia Areata (aka genetic alopecia)
  2. Severe stress or anxiety
  3. Severe iron deficiency anemia (IDA)
  4. Severe thyroid disease
  5. Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  6. Dandruff or scalp psoriasis

Going for a Personal Record

When you're ready to go for a personal record, you need to be very careful. This can be a dangerous time because you don't know how your body will react to the changes and if you've done everything right.

The first thing to do is stop doing any exercises that might aggravate an infection (like running or working out). If there are any signs of infection, contact your doctor as soon as possible. You should also avoid alcohol and tobacco while recovering from surgery. Alcohol causes dehydration and may set off infection faster than you can fix it. Tobacco increases your risk of lung disease and makes healing more difficult.

Your body needs time to recover from surgery before it's ready for strenuous exercise. It's also important for you not to overdo things at once, especially if you are still recovering from surgery. For example, don't go for a run before resting for several days or weeks after your procedure has healed.

It's best not to go back to work too soon either because it could stress out your body and cause more problems than just the stress itself."

Don’t wait until all of your hair is gone to come in for a consultation

Sometimes many peoples ask me a common question how long will it take to grow my hair back? The answer depends on a number of factors, including the amount of hair you have to begin with and the number of transplanted follicles. Hair can take up to six months to regrow. Still, there are some things you should know if you’re looking to get a transplant right away.

Don’t shave or cut your head

If there are any scabs or scars left from the surgery, they may cause an infection that could lead to further problems with the transplanted follicles. To keep this from happening, let your doctor know if you’ve had any side effects after your procedure and ask if they would prefer that you not shave or cut your head at all during recovery.

Don’t swim right away

There are no rules about whether or not you can go swimming after your procedure but it’s best to wait until you see a doctor before jumping into the water. If there is any bleeding involved with surgery, it might interfere with the healing process and make it more likely that infections will form.

Eating Fast Food

After a hair transplant, you’re probably going to want to eat fast food. That’s not a bad idea, but it can be dangerous if you don’t watch your diet.

Foods that are high in sugar and calories are not good for you after a hair transplant procedure. This includes everything from candy bars and ice cream to pizza and burgers. If you do decide to eat fast food, make sure that it is healthy.

Eating Too Much Sugar

Sugar is a big no-no after a hair transplant procedure. Sugar can lead to a condition called metabolic syndrome, which increases your risk for diabetes and heart disease in the future.

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, talk with your doctor about how much sugar should be allowed in your diet before and after your surgery.

Hair Transplant

Don't wash the transplanted area with soap or shampoo

Don't wash the transplanted area with soap or shampoo until the day after surgery. This can cause irritation, redness, and itching.

  1. Don't exercise right away after surgery. You should wait at least two weeks and no longer than three weeks before you start exercising. Exercising too soon could lead to swelling in your face area, which could make your hairline appear unnatural.
  2. Don't pull on your hairline area too hard right after surgery since this can lead to bruising and swelling that could make the results look unnatural.
  3. Don't wear any type of headband while sleeping or showering unless it's made specifically for hair transplants. Wearing a headband while sleeping could cause inflammation because of friction between the band and skin, which could affect the appearance of your new hairline later on down the road.

Wearing All Your Sports Gear

It's common for patients to wear their sports gear after a hair transplant. But this can be dangerous, especially if you are wearing a helmet. The blood flow in the scalp is reduced immediately after a hair transplant and this can cause the scalp to swell. The swelling will reduce the blood flow and make it harder for your new hairs to grow down into your scalp. A helmet can also cause friction between the transplanted hair and the helmet, which will reduce the growth of your transplanted hairs as well.

Wearing all your sports gear is also not good because it may cause you to sweat too much and lose body heat too quickly, which may lead to hypothermia and frostbite in extreme conditions such as skiing or snowboarding.

Hair Transplant

Don't participate in strenuous physical activity and exercise until the third-day post-surgery

If you’re planning on exercising after your hair transplant, don’t do it until the third-day post-surgery.

The reason for this is simple: There is a risk of bleeding and infection if you begin strenuous exercise too soon after surgery.

In addition to risking injury, there is also a chance that your donor area can become irritated and inflamed during exercise. This can cause further complications and increase the risk of infection in your new hairline.

Do not lift heavy weights on the day of surgery

The day after a hair transplant surgery, it is important to avoid things that could cause irritation or inflammation. These include heavy lifting, sitting for long periods of time, and sports or activities that involve a lot of jostling your head or neck such as swimming or tennis.

It is also important to avoid touching your new transplanted hair until it has had time to settle into place. If you need to touch your new transplants, then you should use a cotton ball dampened with rubbing alcohol and gently wipe down the area directly under where each follicle was placed.

Hair Transplant


In the end, receiving a hair transplant is really no different than getting any other surgery—the most important thing is to take care of yourself and follow the doctor's orders. The advice we shared above should help guide you in that regard. And if you're looking for one last bit of advice, remember this: no matter what, don't shave your head!

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