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Very easy home remedies for high fever

 Fever is an important sign in our body. If that fever goes up, it means a lot of things like our body is working against us, or we have some sort of infection in the body. So, if we have a fever, we need to check it out immediately. And one of the best ways to treat yourself for fever is by using home treatments for fever like cold and flu syrup and tablets. Here I am going to tell you about 12 different home treatments for fever.


1. Take a warm bath

The first thing you can do to relieve fever is to take a warm bath. This can help to lower your body temperature, which also helps you feel better.

You can also take a cool shower or bath, depending on how hot you feel.

If you're not able to take a bath or shower, try sitting in a cool tub full of fresh water for 10 minutes or more. You should not soak in the tub for longer than 30 minutes at any one time because it can cause low blood pressure in some people and make them dizzy.

2. Drink lots of fluids

Drinking water, juice, or even ice can help you stay hydrated and help your body fight off fever.

Drink about 16 oz. of cool liquid every hour until your fever has gone down. I like to do this by making a large pitcher of iced tea with lots of ice cubes and then adding fruit juice or lemonade. You can also add some honey if it helps you drink more.

The problem with this method though is that it will take a long time to get the hydration you need, so I usually start out with just water and wait an hour or so before adding some other liquids like juice or soda pop. Then once my fever has gone away, I go back to plain old water for a while longer until my body tells me it's okay again (which could be anywhere from 2-6 hours).


3. Stay cool

It's important to stay cool while you have a fever. Fever is often caused by your body trying to fight off an infection. When you're ill, your body uses more energy than usual and it needs more fluids than usual to keep up with this demand. That's why you may feel thirsty when you have a fever.

When you're sick, try not to get overheated by staying in hot weather or exercising in the heat. And make sure that any medications you take don't make you dehydrated.

4. Drink warm water with lemon and honey

It helps to reduce the temperature and prevent dehydration. You can drink warm water with lemon and honey once a day. Take a teaspoon of honey, add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, mix it well and then drink it slowly.

Take an ice pack on your forehead. Apply an ice pack on your forehead when you have a fever or high temperature, which is a sure-shot way to cool down your body and start sweating immediately. The ice pack will also help you feel better in no time period.

Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated during fever. Drinking plenty of water will help you stay hydrated while fighting against fever and help your body recover faster from any kind of sickness or infection.


5. Eat chicken soup

Chicken soup is a great remedy for fever, but it can be hard to find. If you're looking for chicken soup at your local grocery store, you may be disappointed. Most grocery stores sell chicken broth and bouillon cubes instead of homemade chicken soup.

To make sure you get the best chicken soup recipe, look for a store that sells fresh whole chickens and make sure the store has an in-house butcher who will cut up your chicken for you. If you can't find a store that sells fresh whole chickens, buy organic chicken breasts at your local supermarket.

You'll also need some fresh vegetables like onions and carrots, potatoes and celery roots. Cook these in a pot with water until they're soft. Add some herbs like thyme or bay leaves to give the stock more flavor. Add some salt and pepper to taste before serving hot with crusty bread or crackers for dipping in the liquid.


6. Get plenty of rest

Rest is the most important part of the treatment for fever. It's not just about sleep, either. Your body needs time to recover from the stress it's been under.

Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night, even on weekends if you can afford it. And make sure you're getting enough exercise during the day, too.

If you don't have a lot of rest and exercise during the week, try to get some extra in on weekends. This is especially important if you work at a stressful job that doesn't give you much time off during the week (like me).

7. Sleep without extra blankets or clothing

The first step to dealing with a fever is to make sure you get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can make your body overheat, so it's important to try to catch up on missed rest.

If you're able to stay awake for a few hours, try taking a short nap or reading an article or book until your body temperature returns to normal levels.

If you're unable to stay awake and must sleep, make sure you do it in an area that's cool and has plenty of air circulation, such as a bedroom or basement room. If possible, avoid sleeping on top of blankets or extra clothing as this can increase your body temperature unnecessarily.

8. Keep warm, don't bundle up

Fever can be caused by a viral infection, so you may want to keep your child warm. By wrapping the child in a blanket, you'll help keep the body temperature up. You can also raise the child's legs and put a hot water bottle on his or her feet.

Don't bundle up. Wrapping a sick child in sweaters, jackets, and blankets can make it difficult for the body to stay warm. Instead of covering them up, just make sure they stay dry.

Section: 9. Gargle with saltwater

Saltwater is one of the best ways to bring down your fever and ease the pain of a sore throat. It's also a good way to help your body flush out any toxins that may be causing your fever.

To make a saltwater gargle, mix 1 teaspoon of salt into 1 cup of warm water. Gargle with this mixture twice a day until your fever has subsided or gone away completely.

If you're not sure how much salt is too much for you, start with a small amount and add more as needed. For example, if you have severe heartburn, start by mixing 2 teaspoons of salt into 8 ounces of water and gargle with this mixture twice a day until your heartburn is gone or gone for good.

10. Use a room humidifier or vaporizer

If you suffer from a fever, try using a humidifier to add moisture to the air. This will help reduce your fever. If your child is too young to use a humidifier, put a bowl of water in their room so they can play with it.

If your child has a fever and is not able to tolerate being in a cool room, try placing a fan on their bedside table. The blowing air will help cool down the room and make it easier for them to rest comfortably.

You can also place cool packs on their forehead or under their arm to reduce the heat from their body temperature.


11. Avoid drinks with caffeine or alcohol in them

Many people drink coffee, tea, and other caffeinated drinks to help them stay awake during the day. However, these drinks can make your fever worse. Caffeine and alcohol can also make you feel drowsy and make it harder for you to get restful sleep at night.

If your fever is caused by a viral infection, try to avoid drinking any caffeinated drinks or alcohol in order to help lower your temperature. If you have no other symptoms of a viral infection, you may be able to have caffeinated beverages if they do not affect your ability to fall asleep or stay asleep.

If you have a bacterial infection, such as strep throat or influenza, avoid all caffeinated drinks except decaf coffee and decaffeinated teas. You should also avoid eating any foods that contain caffeine (such as chocolate) until the fever goes away.



Your natural immune system can help fight the flu, but it needs some help. It may not seem like it when you feel miserable, but rest is a key part of fighting off the flu. Resting is important because most immune system cells are in your blood, your lymph nodes and other lymph organs, and your spleen.

These organs work together to fight viruses, bacteria, and other organisms that cause disease. When you get sick, these organs get very busy and make lots of natural killer cells and cytokines that can kill the bugs. To do their job well, our immune cells need rest and sleep. So too much activity exhausts them and makes us more likely to get sicker. Getting plenty of sleep or rest allows our immune cells to stay strong for days at a time so that we can stay healthy longer.

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