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16 Simple Brain Exercises That Will Get You Smarter And Improve Creativity

There are millions of people that want to get smarter and improve their creativity, but they have no idea what to do. They don't know which brain exercises actually improve your brain and make it work in a way that lets you think faster, solve complex puzzles and find solutions to all kinds of problems efficiently. That's why I'm writing this article today — to share with you the 24 best brain exercises that will improve your thinking and lead you towards a better quality of life.


1. Meditation

Meditation is a perfect way to clear your mind and relax. It can also improve your creativity and boost your memory.

The best thing about meditation is that it doesn't take long to learn how to do it. There are many different types of meditation, but the most basic one is just sitting still and focusing on your breathing for 15 minutes each day (or whenever you have a few minutes). Another popular type of meditation is mindfulness meditation, which involves focusing on the present moment instead of thinking about the past or worrying about the future.

Even if you don't know how to meditate, there are still numerous benefits to doing so! Below are a few ways that meditation can help improve your life:

It's good for your health. Studies show that regular meditation can reduce stress, lower blood pressure and improve heart health by reducing inflammation. In addition, it has been shown to reduce pain and increase the overall feeling of well-being.

While it may seem silly at first, taking time out of your day to focus solely on breathing can help you be more productive at work or in school. This type of meditation helps keep your mind within its proper state, which may lead to improved memory retention as well as improved cognitive.


2. Visualizing more

Visualizing is a great way to improve your mental agility and creativity. It can help you think more clearly, focus on the task at hand, and make better decisions.

It’s easy to do visualization exercises on your own but it can also be done together with friends or family members.

Here are some examples:

Sit in a comfortable chair with your eyes closed, then imagine everything around you disappearing and only the object of your focus remains. Try doing this while standing up or sitting down. Leave the room for a minute or two and come back when you’re ready.

Create an imaginary world where everything is black and white, or sepia-toned (depending on what feels most natural to you). Visualize yourself walking through this world from beginning to end, talking with people along the way, and experiencing whatever it is they experience while they’re there.

Visualize yourself doing something physical like jumping rope or running laps around your house; try doing it in slow motion so that you can really feel each movement as it happens.


3. Playing games

Playing games is a great way to improve your brain's ability to learn and remember information.

The more you play games, the better your brain will get at learning new things. This is because playing games forces you to be creative and think outside of the box. It also gives your brain a chance to process what it has learned in order to make it stick.

There are many different types of games out there, but some are better than others for improving cognitive skills. Here are some of our favorites:

Angry Birds - This simple game can help develop spatial thinking and problem-solving skills. It also helps with memory, attention span, and concentration.

Bingo - Bingo is a great game for developing spatial reasoning skills as well as problem-solving abilities. It also forces you to pay attention and focus on what is happening around you at all times.

Minecraft - This popular video game combines both problem solving and spatial reasoning skills while allowing players to explore their surroundings in a virtual world that they can create themselves!


4. Playing memory card games

Memory card games are a great way to improve your brain's powers of recall, and they're also super fun. There's no better way to learn how to remember names than by playing cards with someone you don't know.

When playing memory card games with others, be sure to choose cards that will guide you through the story on the front of the card. These stories are designed with a lesson in mind so that when you see the same card again (or at least something similar), you'll be able to quickly recall what happened earlier in the story.

Here are some memory card games:

Story Memory Game - This game is ideal for kids who love stories and learning new facts. The goal is to find as many of these words as possible before time runs out!

Word Play - This game is great for older children who enjoy word games like Scrabble or Boggle. It's also a great way to practice spelling words backward or forwards!

Memory Lapse - This memory game will have everyone racing against time to see who can remember more words than their opponent!


5. Practicing crossword puzzles

Crossword puzzles are a classic brain exercise that can improve your memory and creativity. Crossword puzzles are fun to solve and they can be found in nearly every newspaper, magazine, and website. The best part is that you don't even have to spend much time on it to get some benefits.

The exercises below will help improve your memory and creativity:

  1. Practice crossword puzzles regularly
  2. Practice crossword puzzles at work
  3. Keep a notebook handy when you're out and about
  4. Carry around a pen and notepad everywhere you go

  6. Completing jigsaw puzzles

The brain is a complex organ that needs a lot of exercises. It's no secret that exercising the brain will help you to retain information, improve your focus and increase your creativity.

Jigsaw puzzles are one of the best ways to exercise your brain. It's also a great way to improve memory, concentration, and creativity.

Here are some jigsaw puzzle exercises that you can do at home:

1) Jigsaw Puzzle Exercise 1: This is an easy puzzle to start with. You can also use different colors of paper if you want to make it more challenging for yourself.

2) Jigsaw Puzzle Exercise 2: This is another simple puzzle exercise that you can do at home. All you need is paper, scissors, and glue (optional). If you want to make it more difficult for yourself, then try drawing pictures on each piece as well as writing down some words or numbers on each piece of paper so that you won't forget what goes where once it's finished!


7. Playing Sudoku

Sudoku is a great brain exercise that will sharpen your focus and improve your memory. Sudoku is a logic puzzle game in which you must fill in the squares of a 9x9 grid so that each row, column, and 3x3 box contains each of the numbers from 1 to 9 once only.

The rules are simple: every row, column, and 3x3 box must contain each of the numbers from 1 to 9 once only. There are many different ways to solve Sudoku puzzles, but we can use one method that works well for beginners.

This Sudoku puzzle requires some attention and concentration but it’s not difficult to solve if you follow these steps:

1) Fill in the first row with a number from 1-9.

2) Fill in the second row with another number from 1-9.

3) Add them together and continue adding numbers until you have filled in all nine squares.


8. Playing chess

Chess is a game of strategy and tactics that can be played by two or more players. It’s been around for centuries, but in recent years it has become very popular among techies and entrepreneurs.

The reason why chess is so beloved by these people is that it requires one to think ahead and anticipate what the other player might do next. This skill is very useful when it comes to problem-solving, planning, and innovating.

Playing chess is also a fun way to spend one’s leisure time. If you want to get better at this game, try out some of these brain exercise tips:

1) Take your time with each move; the best players take minutes per move!

2) When you’re not sure whether an action would be good or bad, don’t take it! The best chess players are masters at predicting their opponents’ moves rather than making rash decisions based on intuition. 3) Practice makes perfect – learn how to play chess by playing against an expert!


9. Playing checkers

Most people know what playing checkers is, but the truth is that it's not just fun and games; it's a great way to exercise your brain. It's also a great way to improve your creativity and improve your memory.

If you've never played checkers before, here are some tips for improving your game:

Find an opponent who plays at least as well as you do. You may have to play against someone who doesn't even understand the rules, but it's better than playing against someone who is trying to cheat or take advantage of you.

Learn all of the rules before playing. Don't try to learn them as you go along because then you won't be able to remember them later on.

Think about all of the different ways that you can move your pieces around the board (and how they can move back). This will help keep things interesting and give you more options when deciding how best to play each move.


 10. Playing video games

Playing video games is an excellent way to improve creativity. It's a great way to learn new skills, get better at problem-solving, and increase your attention span.

Playing video games also helps you retain information, so you'll be able to retain knowledge and facts more easily than if you were to read a book or listen to an audiobook.

Playing video games can also help you in the classroom because playing them teaches you how to learn faster and better. There are many different types of games that can help improve your cognitive skills. Here are some of them:

Action games: These are fast-paced, and exciting, and require skillful movement and quick reactions. For example, Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto requires players to move quickly and shoot accurately while avoiding obstacles such as zombies or cars, respectively.

Strategy games: Strategy games require players to think strategically before taking action. For example, Chess requires players to think ahead about what moves they want their pieces to make before actually making them.

FPS (first-person shooter): FPS games give players the opportunity to act out their own stories through controlled gameplay in a virtual world where they can explore locations freely. The most popular FPS game is Call of Duty which allows players.


  1. Socializing

Socializing is a fundamental part of life for most people. We need to interact with other people in order to feel fulfilled and happy, so it's no wonder that socializing is also one of the best ways to boost your brain power.

Socializing stimulates your brain in ways that many other activities don't. It involves complex thinking, planning, and problem-solving skills, which are all essential for creativity and innovation. Socializing also helps build your memory by keeping you focused on one conversation or activity at a time.

When you're out with friends or family members, you're more likely to ask questions and have discussions about topics that interest you — this will help your mind stay stimulated as well as help you learn new things. When you're involved in conversations with others, it can be hard to keep up with everything they're saying — but if they're having trouble remembering something they just said, they'll usually ask for clarification so they can remember it later on their own terms.


12. Learning new skills

Learning new skills is a great way to improve your brain and have fun at the same time. Here are some of the most effective ways to do that:
Take online courses. Online courses are an excellent way to learn new skills and improve your brain. The best part is that they're free! There are plenty of options available through Udemy, Coursera and Khan Academy.
Play games that make you smarter. Games like 2048, which was created by an MIT student, will make you smarter by challenging your spatial reasoning skills. You can also try out games such as Chess or Scrabble that allow you to exercise your critical thinking skills.
Go outside more often. Spending more time outdoors increases blood flow to your brain and improves memory retention as well as overall brain health. Try taking breaks from work every hour or so and spend 15 minutes outside getting some fresh air or even just walking around the block once in a while!
Learn a language other than English. Learning another language will help you improve your communication skills in general and increase your ability to multitask (which is necessary for many jobs today).
Start learning about something completely different from what you're currently studying like astronomy or engineering.

13. Increasing personal vocabulary

Personal vocabulary is a key to learning and improving at any skill. Personal vocabulary is what you know about yourself, your interests and your values. For example, if you're a musician, you might be able to describe how the different parts of an instrument are made or how music is written. If you're a writer, your personal vocabulary will help you express yourself in new ways.
A personal vocabulary can be developed through reading, talking with others and exploring our own experiences. We all have interests that we share with others and those interests are often the source of our personal vocabularies.
Try these exercises to increase your personal vocabulary:
- Read books about subjects that interest you. For example: if you're interested in science fiction and fantasy novels, read books about those genres this week. If you like cooking shows on TV, watch as many episodes as possible this week.
- Talk about what interests you with friends or family members who have similar interests as well as ones who don't know much about it yet but will be interested once they hear more from you.

14. Learning a new language

Learning a new language is one of the best ways to increase brain power. The more you learn, the more you can understand and process information. You'll also be able to build a stronger vocabulary and gain insight into other cultures.
There are many different types of languages to learn, including:
American Sign Language (ASL) - American Sign Language (ASL) is the most common sign language in the United States. It's used by about 60 million people in America and Canada. ASL is not used as often in Europe or Asia. It's also called "manual alphabet" because it uses hand motions instead of written words or symbols.
French - French is the official language of France and Belgium, as well as being an official language in Switzerland, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Monaco and Quebec (Canada). Most people think French sounds like Italian or Spanish when they hear it spoken aloud but it has its own unique sound that can be hard for non-native speakers to identify at first glance.
German - German is spoken primarily by Germanic peoples who live east of the Rhine River (Germany), including Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein; however some South Tyrolean Germans speak dialects which are different from standard German due to their proximity to Italy.

15. Listening to music

Listening to music is an important part of your brain health. Music is a form of art that can stimulate brain activity, and it can also help you relax and de-stress. People who listen to music often have better memory and attention spans.
If you are in a situation where you need to focus on something, listening to music can help. When you listen to music, your brain will be more receptive to the sounds and messages that the artist is trying to convey through his or her song. The more open your mind is when listening to music, the more likely it is that you will absorb the messages contained in that song as well as any other information contained in it as well (such as meaning).

16. Learning a musical instrument

Learning a musical instrument is a great way to boost your brain power and improve your creativity. It's true that music is an incredibly complex skill, and it takes years of practice to become proficient at it. But if you do want to learn an instrument, there are plenty of options.
There are many different kinds of instruments available for learning — from the acoustic guitar to the electric bass guitar to the drums — so choose what works best for you. If you want to learn how to play an instrument but aren't sure where to begin, check out our guide on how to start playing an instrument!


A human brain is a powerful tool and one of the greatest mysteries in the universe. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to keep it engaged and stimulated. It's never too late to start building a sharper brain. Just remember, anything you do to stimulate your mind is helping it, whether that's watching repeats of your favorite sitcoms or reading a series of engaging books. These are just a few of the many ways you can build a healthier mind that will allow you to get smarter over time. You can choose whatever activities you like, but as long as you're putting yourself in an active learning state, your brain will benefit from the experience.

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